Update: James Tauber will give a keynote in PyCon Taiwan
更新資訊:James Tauber 將擔任主題講者
PyCon,亦即 Python 年會,是 Python 社群最大型的年度聚會。PyCon 是社群同好自發籌辦的活動,展現 Python 在各式領域的應用現況。我們致力讓台灣 Python 年會成為高品質的專業活動,讓與會朋友享受技術交流的樂趣,體驗社群獨有的熱情。
2012 台灣 Python 年會的特色,除了呈現 Python 在應用領域的案例和實務,也重視與會人員的交流互動,包括促成開發者與廠商之間的合作可能,達到提昇社群技能和豐富產業發展的目的。
這次PyCon Taiwan 2012,特別請到開發SciPy 與 NumPy 的科學軟體開發者同時也是 "Guide to NumPy" 一書的作者Travis Oliphant,以及有上百萬用戶的噗浪的共同創辦人Amir Salihefendic作為主題講者。另外還有許多同好分享各式領域應用 Python 的案例分析或經驗心得,我們誠摯的邀請您一起參加這次難得的Python盛會。
PyCon Taiwan 於2012年4月15日開放報名。
PyCon Taiwan 2012 早鳥票,價格為新台幣1300元整,2012年4月30日截止。
PyCon Taiwan 2012 一般入場券,價格為新台幣1500元整,於2012年5月1日開放報名,2012年6月1日截止。
PyCon Taiwan 2012 個人贊助票,價格為新台幣3000元整。- 若您想以個人名義贊助或公司有補助購票, 請選擇購買此票支持PyCon Taiwan 2012,以使PyCon Taiwan 2012籌備團隊能提供更佳的會議品質。如果您願意公開您的身份,PyCon Taiwan 2012會將您的名字(或網路 ID)及網誌連結列在PyCon好朋友底下。
遵照 PyCon US 傳統,PyCon Taiwan 2012 為使用者需付費之議程,所有義務工作人員和講者均自行付費參加,一旦報名確認後不予以退費,敬請見諒。
報名時請使用正確手機號碼以及 Email address,以免無法正確接收報到資訊。
註: 有需要統一編號的朋友,請您於報名截止前,
至http://registrano.com/events/pycon-taiwan-2012/contacts/new 填寫以下資訊:
1. 報名編號
2. 報名者名稱
3. 統一編號
4. 公司抬頭
5. 品項名稱 (預設: PyCon門票)
更多資訊請參考ˇ官方網站: http://tw.pycon.org
PyCon Taiwan is organized by the Taiwan Python community for the community. PyCon Taiwan is intended to provide a professional venue to exchange technical information of Python. We want to clone the experience of PyCon (US), the largest annual gathering of Python programmers, in Taiwan, and bring the joy to more people.
PyCon Taiwan 2012 will also stress on industrial applications of Python. We hope to connect the community, including the business members, and further develop the technology in Taiwan.
PyCon Taiwan 2012 invite Travis Oliphant, the developer of important scientific packages including SciPy and NumPy and the author of the book "Guide to NumPy". We also invite Amir Salihefendic, who co-founded Plurk, a popular social network that has millions of users. And there're many Python lovers share their experiences in this conference, we're happy to invite you to join this Python party with us.
The registration will open on April 15th, 2012.
Early Bird Rate: TWD$1300, runs until April 30, 2012.
Regular Rate: TWD$1500, runs May 1, 2012 - June 1, 2012.
Personal Sponsor: TWD$3000. If you'd like to sponsor this event or your attendance would be subsidized by your organization/company, please purchase this ticket to support PyCon Taiwan 2012. If you purchase the Personal Sponsor ticket and are willing to make the sponsorship public, PyCon Taiwan 2012 will list your name (or Internet Identity) and your blog link as our "PyCon Buddy".
The volunteer staff and speakers need to register and pay to attend the conference. The registration cannot be refunded.
We provide lunch in the conference, please tell us when you register if you are vegetarian.
Please provide correct mobile phone number and Email address in order to get updated information.
PS: if you need receipt, please contact us on http://registrano.com/events/pycon-taiwan-2012/contacts/new before 2012/06/01.
More information on: http://tw.pycon.org