A sprint event gathers open source project owners, contributors, and people who want to contribute but are trying to find a place to start. During a sprint, project hosts bring their unresolved issues or new features under development and share with everyone. Attendees could simply join the project that they are interested in, and do a whole day sprint to contribute to the project.
Attendees can find a project that they are interested in, and collaborate with others to contribute to the project. And project owners can look for friends that are interested in the same domain as you, communicate with contributors, and bring more newcomers to your project.
日期與時間 / Date & Time
2024 年 09 月 23 日 09:30 - 17:00 (TST)
09:30 - 17:00, 23 Sep., 2024 (TST) -
地點 / Venue
DAKUO 高雄市數位內容創意中心 K1 大演講廳
K1 Hall, DAKUO (Digital Art Kaohsiung United Office) -
地址 / Address
3F, No. 123, Qixian 3rd Rd, Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City
參與要求 / Prerequisite
- 請務必遵守 PyCon TW 2024 行為準則。
Please follow the Code of Conduct of PyCon TW 2024. - 擁有 Python 程式經驗,想參與專案、有專案可以拿來玩的人。
Python experienced who want to join or share the project. - 本活動請自行準備電腦與開發工具。
Please prepare your PC and development tools. - 本票券包括午餐與飲料。
The ticket includes a lunch box and drinks. - 請各位參與者自主維護場地,並依照工作人員指示丟棄垃圾。
Please keep the meeting room clean, and follow the instructions to throw trash. -
Please present your student ID card or equivalent proof for verification when registering for “Student Ticket”. If the student ID card or equivalent proof cannot be presented, you will need to make up the balance with the "Regular Ticket" before entering the venue. - 專案主持人票為專案主持人專用票種,參與者請依身份購買一般票或學生票。
Project lead ticket is only for "project lead". Attendee can buy regular ticket or student ticket.
時間 / Time | 時長 / Duration | 活動流程 / Agenda |
09:30-10:00 | 30 mins | 報到 / Check in |
10:00-10:15 | 15 mins | 活動開場與贊助商介紹 / Opening |
10:15-10:45 | 30 mins | 專案介紹 / Introduction to Projects |
10:45-10:50 | 5 mins | 專案分組 / Grouping |
10:50-12:30 | 100 mins | 上午衝刺開發 / Morning Sprints |
12:30-13:30 | 60 mins | 午餐時間 / Lunch Break |
13:30-16:30 | 180 mins | 下午衝刺開發 / Afetrnoon Sprints |
16:30-17:00 | 30 mins | 成果發表 / Presentation |
17:00-17:05 | 5 mins | 結束合影 / Closing |
專案列表 Project list
請參閱下列 Hackmd 文件 / You can check project list at below link.
購票條款 / Terms & Conditions
PyCon TW 2024 為公開售票活動。所有參與者 (包含講者與籌備人員),均需透過對 PyCon Taiwan 貢獻或付費參與。詳見 Everybody Contributes 原則。
We follow the Principle of Everybody Contributes, it’s necessary for all attendees including speakers and organizers to purchase tickets or contribute to the PyCon Taiwan.
請務必遵守 PyCon TW 2024 行為準則。本公約適用於參與者在 PyCon Taiwan 相關實體與數位場域中的一切言行,期望大家一起合作。
Please follow our Code of Conduct of PyCon TW 2024. This convention applies to all the words and deeds of participants in the relevant entities and digital fields of PyCon Taiwan. -
本活動委託 KKTIX 代理退票與退費,將酌收 10% 手續費且活動前十天內 (不含活動日) 不予退票。詳情請見 KKTIX 代理退換票辦法。
Ticket refund and exchange are handled by KKTIX on behalf of the event organizer, a 10% handling fee will be charged, and refunds will not be accepted within ten days before the event (excluding the event day). Please refer to the KKTIX ticket exchange and refund policy. -
PyCon Taiwan 2024 個人資料保護聲明
Privacy Policy of PyCon Taiwan 2024 - 中華民國大專院校包含大專、專科、軍警學校、宗教院校,但不包含空中大學、空中學院及大專院校附設之進修補習班。學制包含二專、五專、二技、四技、大學、碩士、博士。部別包含日間部、夜間部、進修部(需為上述學制)、在職專班(需為上述學制)。
- 報到時應攜帶本人實體學生證正本以備查驗,未持本人實體學生證正本者應補買一般票。學生證必須蓋有當學期註冊章方為有效,若無當學期註冊章、註冊章模糊無法辨識或免蓋註冊章之學生證,須合併出示當學期「在學證明」正本作為輔助證明。
如果您有任何購票相關疑問,請來信至 organizers@python.tw。
Please kindly mail to organizers@python.tw if you have any questions about tickets. -
主辦單位保有對 PyCon TW 2024 的最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。
The organizer reserves the right to make final revisions, changes, interpretations of the event, and cancellations of PyCon TW 2024.
更多關於今年年會的訊息,請參閱 PyCon TW 2024 大會官方網站。
For more information on PyCon TW 2024, please refer to our official website.