PyCon TW 2023 Sprints / 衝刺開發

  • 2023/08/20(周日) 09:30(+0800) ~ 17:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 新加坡商鈦坦科技台北辦公室 | Taipei Office of Titansoft Pte Ltd. / 115 臺北市南港區園區街 3-1 號 G 棟 11 樓之 1
  • 57 / 70
  • PyCon Taiwan | 開放文化基金會 Open Culture Foundation 聯絡主辦單位

PyCon TW 2023 衝刺開發將於臺灣時區 2023 年 08 月 20 日 09:30 - 17:00 舉行。
The Sprint event will be held on 09:30 - 17:00, Aug 20, 2023 (GMT+8).


A sprint event gathers open source project owners, contributors, and people who want to contribute but are trying to find a place to start. During a sprint, project hosts bring their unresolved issues or new features under development and share with everyone. Attendees could simply join the project that they are interested in, and do a whole day sprint to contribute to the project.

專案列表 / Project List

Make sure you know the “Terms & Conditions” before buying tickets!

活動資訊 / About Event


A sprint event gathers open source project owners, contributors, and people who want to contribute but are trying to find a place to start. During a sprint, project hosts bring their unresolved issues or new features under development and share with everyone. Attendees could simply join the project that they are interested in, and do a whole day sprint to contribute to the project.


Attendees can find a project that they are interested in, and collaborate with others to contribute to the project. And project owners can look for friends that are interested in the same domain as you, communicate with contributors, and bring more newcomers to your project.


 參與要求 / Prerequisite

  1. 請務必遵守 PyCon TW 2023 行為準則
    Please follow the Code of Conduct of PyCon TW 2023.
  2. 擁有 Python 程式經驗,想參與專案、有專案可以拿來玩的人。
    Python experienced who want to join or share the project.
  3. 本活動請自行準備電腦與開發工具。
    Please prepare your PC and development tools.
  4. 本票券包括午餐與飲料。
    The ticket includes a lunch box and drinks.
  5. 請各位參與者自主維護場地,並依照工作人員指示丟棄垃圾。
    Please keep the meeting room clean, and follow the instructions to throw trash.
  6. 如果您是購買「學生票」,請於報到時出示學生證或同等證明以備查驗。若無法出示學生證或同等證明,需補足「一般票」之票價差方可入場。
    Please present your student ID card or equivalent proof for verification when registering for “Student Ticket”. If the student ID card or equivalent proof cannot be presented, you will need to make up the balance with the "Regular Ticket" before entering the venue.

 活動時程 / Timetable

時間 / Time

時長 / Duration

活動流程 / Agenda

09:30 - 10:00

30 mins

報到 / Check in

10:00 - 10:15

15 mins

活動開場與贊助商介紹 / Opening

10:15 - 10:45

30 mins

專案介紹 / Introduction to Projects

10:45 - 10:50

5 mins

專案分組 / Grouping

10:50 - 12:30

100 mins

上午衝刺開發 / Morning Sprints

12:30 - 13:30

60 mins

午餐時間 / Lunch Break

13:30 - 16:30

180 mins

下午衝刺開發 / Afetrnoon Sprints

16:30 - 17:00

30 mins

成果發表 / Presentation & Closing

 購票條款 / Terms & Conditions

  1. 請務必遵守 PyCon TW 2023 行為準則。本公約適用於參與者在 PyCon Taiwan 相關實體與數位場域中的一切言行,期望大家一起合作。
    Please follow the Code of Conduct of PyCon TW 2023. This convention applies to all the words and deeds of participants in the relevant entities and digital fields of PyCon Taiwan.
  2. 本票卷包括午餐費,飲料費等費用。
    This ticket includes a lunch box and drinks.
  3. 如果您是購買「學生票」,請於報到時出示學生證或同等證明以備查驗。若無法出示學生證或同等證明,需補足「一般票」之票價差方可入場。
    Please present your student ID card or equivalent proof for verification when registering for “Student Ticket”. If the student ID card or equivalent proof cannot be presented, you will need to make up the balance with the "Regular Ticket" before entering the venue.
  4. 本活動委託 KKTIX 代理退票與退費
    Ticket refund and exchange are handled by KKTIX on behalf of the event organizer.
  5. PyCon Taiwan 2023 個人資料保護聲明
    Privacy Policy of PyCon Taiwan 2023
  6. 如果對於活動有任何問題,請來信至
    Please kindly mail to If you have any questions about this event.
  7. 更多關於衝刺開發的訊息,請參閱 PyCon TW 2023 衝刺開發
    For more information on PyCon TW 2023 Sprints, please refer to our official website.
  8. 主辦單位保有對「PyCon TW 2023 衝刺開發」的最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。
    The organizer reserves the right to make final revisions, changes, interpretations of the event, and cancellations of “PyCon TW 2023 Sprints”.

主辨單位 / Organizers

臺灣 Python 年會籌備委員會
Committee of Python Conference Taiwan
Open Culture Foundation

贊助夥伴 / Sponsors

#在鈦坦沒有BOSS但要有自組織的GUTS 😎

📌 新加坡商鈦坦科技是一間軟體開發公司,提供線上軟體平台客製開發與維護,以及代理 Atlassian 旗下產品 Jira Software & Confluence、線上視覺化白板 Miro ,以自身實際使用經驗提供一站式導入服務。我們採用敏捷開發,同時將敏捷思維注入公司文化,在多年導入及迭代的經驗下,我們也開始提供企業客製化敏捷課程及顧問諮詢服務 ✨

📌 我們重視團隊合作勝於個⼈英雄主義,有貢獻就有回饋 ‼️

「改變」是這世上唯⼀不變的事物,我們擁抱改變,並隨機應變,不斷超越⾃我 Never Stop Improving 💪

👉 全方位認識鈦坦這邊走 🔗

新加坡商鈦坦科技台北辦公室 | Taipei Office of Titansoft Pte Ltd. / 115 臺北市南港區園區街 3-1 號 G 棟 11 樓之 1


票種 販售時間 售價
一般票 / Regular

2023/07/31 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/08/19 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$100
學生票 / Student (報到查驗證件 / Student ID Card Required)

2023/07/31 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/08/19 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
專案主持人票 / Project Host

2023/07/31 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/08/19 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費