PyCon TW 2023 Registration: Corporate / 企業票種

  • 2023/09/02(周六) 09:30(+0800) ~ 2023/09/03(周日) 18:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 中央研究院人文社會科學館 | Humanities and Social Science Building, Academia Sinica / 115 臺北市南港區研究院路二段 128 號人文社會科學館
  • PyCon Taiwan | 開放文化基金會 Open Culture Foundation 聯絡主辦單位

Make sure you know the “Notice” and the “Terms & Conditions”
before buying tickets!

注意事項 / Notice

💡 現在購票即享有「PyCon TW 2023 大會紀念品 Pyducts」預購價!

睽違兩年,PyCon TW 2023 回歸實體。大會紀念品限時預購!現在購買 PyCon TW 2023 任一票種,即可享大會紀念品預購價!

💡 Buy tickets now to enjoy the pre-order price of PyCon TW 2023 Exclusive Souvenirs “Pyducts"!

After two years, PyCon TW 2023 will return in-person! Exclusive souvenirs “Pyducts” are available for pre-order for a limited time only! Buy any of the PyCon TW 2023 tickets now and get pre-order prices for “Pyducts”!


💡 購票就送「Py 精神諧音貼紙」!

凡購票者,可於大會期間至會場 3F 紀念品攤位出示 Opass 遊戲畫面,即可價值 NT$ 100 的 🩹 Py 精神諧音貼紙 (Py-Stickers) 🩹!

💡 Want to get a set of “Py-Stickers”?

For all ticket purchasers, you can visit the “Souvenir Booth” on the 3F during the conference and show your Opass to get a set of “Py-Stickers” for free!


💡 您有需要企業團購優惠嗎?企業團體票有優惠!

如果您想購買 5 張以上的企業票,歡迎填寫 PyCon TW 2023 企業團體票申請洽談團購優惠,購買張數愈多優惠愈多。

  • 企業團體票一經售出,恕不退費或換票。
  • 企業團體票售出後,我們將寄送「符合購買張數的邀請碼」用於 KKTIX 註冊「企業團體票」,每一組邀請碼皆有時效性,未在時限內於 KKTIX 完成註冊的邀請碼會自動失效,屆時視同放棄,恕不退費或換票

💡 Need Group-Buy Corporate Discount?

We provide “Group-Buy Corporate Discounts” for purchasing at least 5 Corporate Tickets. Please fill out the application form with your current needs if you have interest in group-buy corporate tickets.

  • NO refunds or exchanges once group-buy corporate tickets are sold.
  • Once group-buy corporate tickets are sold, we will send invitation codes for registering “Group-Buy Corporate Tickets” on KKTIX. Each of the invitation codes is time-sensitive. The invitation codes that do not register on KKTIX within the time limit will automatically expire, and there will be NO refunds or exchanges of tickets.


💡 PyCon TW 2023 投稿者專屬優惠!

PyCon TW 2023 稿件徵求 (CfP) 於 2023 年 02 月 19 日開跑!如果您有投稿 PyCon TW 2023,不論您的稿件是否被錄取,我們都會於公告議程後寄送專屬的投稿者票邀請碼,能以更優惠的票價參與今年的年會。

💡 Exclusive offers for Submitting Proposals in PyCon TW 2023!

“Call for Proposals (CfP)” started on Feb 19, 2023! If you have submitted a proposal for PyCon TW 2023, no matter whether your proposal is accepted or not, we will send you an exclusive "Invitation Code for Submitter Ticket" after the agenda is announced. You can participate in PyCon TW 2023 with a more favorable ticket price.


活動資訊 / About Event

「重新與人群連結,開啟全新旅程。PyCon TW 2023,一同出發!」

多樣票價供您選擇,人人都可以找到最適合自己的方案。 多元化學習與多視角觀察技術應用,深入淺出引你進入 Python 學習殿堂。今年的議程內容多元豐富,總共有 3 種形式的演講與 7 種不同性質的交流活動,讓你可以從演講中吸取知識的同時,還能在交流活動中結識許多各方好友。

“Join us to engage with experts and learn from peers!”

PyCon TW 2023 provides multiple types of tickets, maximizing flexibility to correspond with attendees' particular needs. Get a ticket and join our journey mining the secrets of Python at PyCon TW 2023. There are 3 types of speeches and 7 different activities in the annual conference. Let's meet Pythonistas here!

售票時程 / Selling Schedule

以下票種皆包含「午餐餐盒與茶點」、「全程參與 PyCon TW 2023」與「企業報帳收據」。
The following tickets include “Lunch Box & Desserts”, “Conference Pass”, and reimbursement receipt.

  • 企業票
    • 早鳥階段 (含紀念衣服)
      Early Stage (with T-Shirt)

      2023 年 05 月 01 日至 2023 年 06 月 30 日 (GMT+8)
      May 01 - Jun 30, 2023 (GMT+8)
    • 一般階段:享有紀念衣服預購價!
      Regular Stage: Buy t-shirt with PRE-ORDER price!
      2023 年 07 月 01 日至 2023 年 08 月 25 日 (GMT+8)
      Jul 01 - Aug 25, 2023 (GMT+8)
    • 晚鳥階段
      Final Stage

      2023 年 08 月 26 日至 2023 年 08 月 31 日 (GMT+8)
      Aug 26 - Aug 31, 2023 (GMT+8)
  • 企業團體票:團購優惠請洽企業團體票申請
    Group-Buy Corporate: Apply for Group-Buy Corporate Tickets to get a discount.
    • 早鳥階段 (含紀念衣服)
      Early Stage (with T-Shirt)

      2023 年 05 月 01 日至 2023 年 06 月 30 日 (GMT+8)
      May 01 - Jun 30, 2023 (GMT+8)
    • 一般階段
      Regular Stage

      2023 年 07 月 01 日至 2023 年 08 月 18 日 (GMT+8)
      Jul 01 - Aug 18, 2023 (GMT+8)
    • KKTIX 邀請碼兌換時程
      Period for Registering Group-Buy Corporate Tickets on KKTIX

      至 2023 年 09 月 01 日 23:59 (GMT+8)
      Until 23:59, September 01, 2023 (GMT+8)

購票條款 / Terms & Conditions

  1. PyCon TW 2023 為公開售票活動。所有參與者 (包含講者與籌備人員),均需透過對 PyCon Taiwan 貢獻或付費參與。詳見 Everybody Contributes 原則
    We follow the Principle of Everybody Contributes, it’s necessary for all attendees including speakers and organizers to purchase tickets or contribute to the PyCon Taiwan.
  2. 請務必遵守 PyCon TW 2023 行為準則。本公約適用於參與者在 PyCon Taiwan 相關實體與數位場域中的一切言行,期望大家一起合作。
    Please follow our Code of Conduct of PyCon TW 2023. This convention applies to all the words and deeds of participants in the relevant entities and digital fields of PyCon Taiwan.
  3. 本次年會約有 45% 的全英文演講。
    PyCon TW 2023 will have around 45% of the talks in English.
  4. 關於「愛心優待票
    About “Concession Tickets
    1. 如果您是身心障礙人士 (持有身心障礙證明),可自行決定是否需要陪同人員,身心障礙人士與一名陪同人員皆須購買「愛心優待票」。
      If you are a disability (holding Certificate of Disability), you can decide whether you need an accompanying person or not. Both the disability and ONE accompanying person should buy "Concession Tickets".
    2. 如果您欲購買「愛心優待票」,請在購票前一日於 KKTIX 完成「身心障礙者身份認證」。
      If you want to buy "Concession Tickets", please complete the "Identity Verification of People with Disability" on the KKTIX one day before buying the ticket.
    3. 身心障礙人士須與一名陪同人員一同報到,報到時請務必出示身心障礙證明並於活動期間隨身攜帶以備查驗。若無法出示身心障礙證明,身心障礙人士與陪同人員皆需補足與「個人票 (一般階段)」之票價差方可入場。
      The disability must register with an accompanying person. When registering, please show the Certificate of Disability and carry it with you during the event for inspection. If the Certificate of Disability cannot be presented, the disability and accompanying person need to make up the balance with the "Individual Ticket (Regular Stage)" before entering the venue.
  5. 關於「企業票種 (企業票與企業團體票)」
    About “Corporate Tickets”
    1. 如果您是購買「企業票」,我們將於活動結束後開立電子發票,並寄送至您提供的電子信箱。
      We will send electronic invoices directly to your email address AFTER the event if you bought corporate tickets.
    2. 如果您是購買「企業團體票」,我們將於確認匯款後開立電子發票,並寄送至您提供的電子信箱。 We will send electronic invoices directly to your email address AFTER confirming the remittance if you bought group-buy corporate tickets.
    3. 欲購買「企業團體票」請填寫 PyCon TW 2023 企業團體票申請洽談團購優惠。企業團體票一經售出,恕不退費或換票
      To buy “Group-Buy Corporate” tickets, please fill out the application form for discounts. NO refunds or exchanges once group-buy corporate tickets are sold.
    4. 企業團體票一律以匯款時間為準決定是否有包含紀念衣服。
      We will base on the remittance time to determine whether the group-buy corporate tickets include a t-shirt.
  6. 如果您有意願申請 PyCon TW 2023 財務補助計畫,請於 2023 年 07 月 01 日 23:30 (GMT+8) 前提出申請,請詳見財務補助計畫說明
    Feel free to apply for financial aid if needed. Please submit your application BEFORE 23:30, July 01, 2023 (GMT+8).
  7. 關於「紀念衣服與大會紀念品 Pyducts」
    About “T-Shirt & Exclusive Souvenirs - Pyducts”
    1. 如果您購買的票種有包含紀念衣服或大會紀念品 Pyducts,我們將於年會期間 (2023 年 09 月 02 日至 03 日) 於大會服務櫃檯兌換給您。
      If you bought the tickets with t-shirt or exclusive souvenirs "Pyducts", we will redeem them to you at the service counter during the conference (September 02 - 03, 2023).
    2. 如果您購買的票種有包含紀念衣服,請務必填寫「正確的衣服尺寸」。紀念衣服售出後不提供衣服尺寸更換
      If you bought the ticket with t-shirt, please fill out the correct size of t-shirt. We will NOT provide changing the size of t-shirts.
    3. 紀念衣服的尺寸會優先以您在購票表單所填寫的尺寸發放。如果我們無法提供您所填寫的尺寸,我們會以較大的尺寸代替。為確保您能取得理想尺寸的紀念衣服,請務必於 2023 年 06 月 30 日 (GMT+8) 完成購票。
      The size of the t-shirt will be prioritized based on the size you have filled out on KKTIX. If we are unable to provide the size you have requested, we will substitute it with a larger size. To ensure that you receive the desired size of t-shirt, please make sure to complete your purchase BEFORE June 30, 2023 (GMT+8).
  8. 本活動委託 KKTIX 代理退票與退費。如果您欲透過 KKTIX 辦理退換票,請來信至。如果您自行透過 KKTIX 退票,將酌收 10% 手續費且活動前十天內 (不含活動日) 不予退票。詳情請見 KKTIX 代理退換票辦法
    Ticket refund and exchange are handled by
    KKTIX on behalf of the event organizer. If you want to apply for a refund or exchange via KKTIX, please mail to If you request a refund via KKTIX, a 10% handling fee will be charged, and refunds will not be accepted within ten days before the event (excluding the event day). Please refer to the KKTIX ticket exchange and refund policy.
  9. PyCon Taiwan 2023 個人資料保護聲明
    Privacy Policy of PyCon Taiwan 2023
  10. 如果您有任何購票相關疑問,請來信至
    Please kindly mail to if you have any questions about tickets.
  11. 更多關於今年年會的訊息,請參閱 PyCon TW 2023 大會官方網站
    For more information on PyCon TW 2023, please refer to our official website.
  12. 主辦單位保有對 PyCon TW 2023 的最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。
    The organizer reserves the right to make final revisions, changes, interpretations of the event, and cancellations of PyCon TW 2023.

主辨單位 / Organizers

臺灣 Python 年會籌備委員會
Committee of Python Conference Taiwan
Open Culture Foundation

協辨單位 / Co-Organizers

Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica

贊助夥伴 / Sponsors

⭐️ 白金級贊助 / Platinum Sponsorship ⭐️

⭐️ 金級贊助 / Golden Sponsorship ⭐️


⭐️ 銀級贊助 / Silver Sponsorship ⭐️


⭐️ 銅級贊助 / Bronze Sponsorship ⭐️


💜 特別贊助 / Special Sponsorship 💜


中央研究院人文社會科學館 | Humanities and Social Science Building, Academia Sinica / 115 臺北市南港區研究院路二段 128 號人文社會科學館


票種 販售時間 售價
企業票 - 早鳥階段 (含紀念衣服) / Corporate - Early Stage (with T-Shirt)

2023/05/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/06/30 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$5,500
企業票 - 一般階段 / Corporate - Regular Stage

2023/07/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/08/25 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$5,800
企業票 - 晚鳥階段 / Corporate - Final Stage

2023/08/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/08/31 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$6,500
企業團體票 (歡迎申請) / Group-Buy Corporate (Free to Apply)

2023/05/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/09/01 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費